Compressed indexing of (ultra) large viral alignments (bibtex)
by Mikael Salson, Thomas Baudeau, Arthur Boddaert, Awa Bousso Gueye, Laurent Bulteau, Yohan Hernandez–Courbevoie, , Camille Marchet, Nan Pan, Sebastian Will and Yann Ponty
Compressed indexing of (ultra) large viral alignments (Mikael Salson, Thomas Baudeau, Arthur Boddaert, Awa Bousso Gueye, Laurent Bulteau, Yohan Hernandez–Courbevoie, , Camille Marchet, Nan Pan, Sebastian Will and Yann Ponty), SeqBIM, 2024.
Bibtex Entry:
author={Mikael Salson and Thomas Baudeau and Arthur Boddaert and Awa Bousso
                  Gueye and Laurent Bulteau and Yohan Hernandez--Courbevoie and
                  and Camille Marchet and Nan Pan and Sebastian Will and Yann
                  title = {Compressed indexing of (ultra) large viral alignments},
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